
Primary cast


Species: Snare Fox (Vulpes laqueus)

Gender/pronouns: Female (vixen fox); she/her

A very curious, excitable and at times socially unaware Snare Fox, Cat holds a deep fascination with what happened before the Silent Apocalypse close to her heart, entailing a specific fixation on the peculiar and very alien artefacts, shelters and metal boxes with ellipitcal, rotating legs. As with foxes in general, Cat enjoys the prospect of vocally expressing herself when she can do, though she has had to suppress it constantly due to having to invest so much of her energy into ensuring the survival of herself and her best friend in the whole world, Dog.


Species: Snare Fox (Vulpes laqueus)

Gender/pronouns: Male (dog fox); he/him

Dog is a Snare fox who is often seem to be somewhat quiet in comparison to his best friend and companion, Cat. Despite what other beings sometimes perceive as a cold or even intimidating appearance, Dog is just extremely shy and worries a lot about making missteps around the beings that remain in the world after the events of the Silent Apocalypse. Like Cat, Dog has a deep curiosity about the world prior to the events that seemingly extinguished most life across it, with a great fascination in the rumours of a rare few survivors who were left behind.

Rebirth Horse

Species: Pantheistic Fragment (No nomenclatural classifcation identified...?)

Gender/pronouns: Genderless/agender, with some occasional gyandomorphic traits in certain bodily forms (deity-like being); they/them.

Who, or rather, what is Rebirth Horse, exactly? They don't even seem to know that themself! All that does seem to be evident about this peculiar, seemingly very lax and friendly deity is that they are perhaps a small piece of something much bigger. Rebirth Horse seems to be a very powerful being who (as their "name" implies) lacks the capability of dying, instead immediately moving from one bodily shell to another seemlessly in the event of what would otherwise be their "death". Despite how unusual and at times ominously vague they are, Rebirth Horse seems to have taken an immediate liking to Cat and Dog, the two ill-fated companions who can't make sense of an extremely hostile and quietly dying world they find themselves in. Rebirth Horse may hold the key to the survival of the the cost of some troubling implications that will eventually become horrifyingly apparent.