In an alternate post-apocalyptic 2003, two foxy friends, Cat and Dog, are on the run from a mysterious but extremely troubling and destructive presence known as the Monarch Swarm, with beings and organisms of all varieties being erased in its wake. It is then that on one fateful day, when seemingly all hope of survival has been extinguished for Cat and Dog, the duo encounter a peculiar but otherwise very friendly deity-like being in the crumbling remains of an old human dwelling...Rebirth Horse. Can Cat, Dog and their newfound kind but mysterious companion survive against all odds, as the Swarm devours what remains of a dying world?
God Animal is a very personal labour-of-love project of mine, written and drawn by a queer autistic critter who is in a very frequent state of wanting little more than to sit amongst dense leaf litter in the deep reaches of a forest, thinking about foxes, bugs and little else. The comic draws heavily from my love for and fascination with natural history, xenofiction, folklore, pet-monster media and vintage horror manga from the 1960s-1970s. It is likewise a product of my own reflections on themes such as trauma, the pursuit of finding a meaningful belonging and continued survival, even during the most bleak of hardships.
Sound good? Click here to start from the beginning!
God Animal is written and drawn by me, a buggy-foxy critter who goes by the pen name SupermarketCordyceps, sometimes abbreviated simply as SC or Super. I have an about page on the main section of FoxBugForest, read that if you would like to!
I use India ink (Winsor & Newton brand black India ink is my go-to) with dip pens and brushes. In terms of specific dip pen nibs, I often use Zebra and Gillott brand nibs, namely G and Maru/mapping nibs for the former and 303 nibs for the latter. As for brushes, I use very fine-tipped brushes, often sized 00-0000. The comic pages themselves are drawn on heavy cartridge paper (to be more precise, I use cartridge paper with a minimum weight of 180-200 g/m2), with either two A4-sized pages drawn on one side of an A3 leaf or on individual A4 sheets. I usually sketch the pages with softer grade graphite pencils (B grade pencils are my go-to).
Update as of September 2024: I have been working on Episode 2 where possible of late and have been contemplating the possibility of uploading pages in batches, closer to the point of the entire episode being completed. I will update this section accordingly if this is something I decide to pursue.
Otherwise, no. For the time being, episodes of the comic will be uploaded in their entirety when they are completed. I'd much rather post new episodes in one batch rather than page by page. Due to life, work and health commitments on my end, I cannot usually give a very specific ETA of episodes being produced and uploaded. As said before, this is very much a labour of love project of mine and it will take as long as it does. When it is time to do so, I am intending to post announcements of imminently upcoming updates on the main homepage of FoxBugForest!
Yes, of course! Whilst I am happy for others to draw my characters, if you do so, I ask that you adhere to the following:
If you do draw any art of the cast, do feel free to let me know through my BlueSky account, my Tumblr or my SheezyArt page, I'd love to see it!
No. For the time being I would much rather all of God Animal is all my own work, given how personal of a project it is for me.