Hello there!
Hi! I am a small fox covered in mutalist insects and other arthropods, that can shapeshift (somewhat), often attempting to blend in with the peculiar animals known as humans (for reasons I don't quite know myself yet??? kinda fun though!!!)
I'm not very good at talking about myself at length as I am a shy critter, so here's what you need to know (WOWEEE!!!):
- Autistic and dyspraxic ball of fluff, snoot and bugs
- Hatched from a bugfox egg in the 1990s.
- I am asexual, aromantic (hardline ace/aro) and agender (they/them are my preferred pronouns!).
- I am also an Otherkin, specifically a hybrid foxkin (Vulpes vulpes, black/melanistic colour morph, as well as traits of Vulpes zerda too at times) and arthropodkin or "bugkin", identifying with various arthropods, namely certain beetles, cockroaches, cicadas, stick insects, mantids, spiders and centipedes (especially Scutigeromorphs). ΔΘ
Names I go by
- SupermarketCordyceps (my primary pen-name/alias)/Super/Soops/Soup/Soober/Soup (made from Anomalocaris meat)
- CambrianBeast
- Pepper
- The house centipede living in the corner of your cellar that feeds upon household pest bugs (you're welcome!!)
- Possibly the only member of the fandom for Poinie's Poin (unconfirmed)
- Unidentified quadruped creature sighted at an abandoned roadside restaurant, carrying an Eevee plush and multiple fungi-ID field guide books
- *Various nondescript stridulated sounds*
- *Various nondescript vulpine noises*
Special interests
(I will excitedly make fox noises and Orthopteran chirps at you about them!!)
- Biology and natural history, with entomology, mycology, marine and freshwater biology, wild canids (ESPECIALLY the Vulpini tribe :3), anthropology, virology, cell biology and the Cambrian period (IN THIS HOUSE WE STAN THE CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION AND MOURN OUR FALLEN FRIENDS THE TRILOBITES AND RADIODONTA!! ♥) being things I think about constantly
- Collecting various special interest items, such as fox plushes, fossils and found animal bones
- Cultural depictions of animals I identify and feel deep resonance with (namely foxes, tanukis and various bugs) in folklore, art and popular media
- Delightfully odd and surreal RPG Maker games (SPACE FUNERALLLLLLL ♥)
- Lost media
- Obsolete storage media and media formats, especially the more obscure and comically impractical ones. To this day I would love to be able to track down a GBA Video cartridge of Shrek!
- Pet Monster-type media such as vintage/early Digimon (MY BELOVED), Pokémon, Telefang and Yo-Kai Watch.
- Also related to above: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, with Explorers of Sky especially being one of my most beloved and sentimental favourite pieces of media or art, period. The ending still makes me cry so much, as does In The Future of Darkness.
- Plushes, especially of foxes (obviously)! My favourite brands for foxies include Wild Republic, Douglas Cuddle Toys, Ark Toys and Wildlife Artists :3
- Raising insects and other arthropods in captivity; the beetle breeding hobby is a particular long-time fascination of mine!!
- Unfiction/ARG-adjacent media (favourites include Petscop, AlanTutorial, Welcome Home and Lasagna Cat)
- Virtual pet toys and games
- Xenofiction (Hunter's Moon by Garry Kilworth being one of my all-time favourites!)
Favourite media
DA MOVIES (in no particular order)
- Marcel, the Shell With Shoes On (2021)
- Smoking Causes Coughing (2023)
- The Foxes of Chironup Island (1987)
- Mandibles (2020)
- Brigsby Bear (2017)
- Chicken Run (2000)
- Pom Poko (1994)
- Eraserhead (1977)
DA BOOKS (also in no particular order, both non-fiction and fiction)
- Hunter's Moon by Garry Kilworth (one of my most beloved pieces of fiction <3)
- Watership Down by Richard Adams
- The Silverwing trilogy by Kenneth Oppel
- Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History by Stephen Jay Gould
- Life on Earth by David Attenborough
- At the Water's Edge by Carl Zimmer
- Red Fox: The Catlike Canine by J. David Henry
- Insects of the World by Walter Linsenmaier
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (MY BELOVED <3)
- Digimon World (ALSO MY BELOVED <3)
- Space Funeral
- Mouthwashing
- Pokémon Platinum
- Wario World
- KinitoPET
Some miscellaneous facts about me I guess
- Rain makes me extremely happy, I love to go for walks in the rain and watch the terrestrial gastropods go about their lives. :3
- I've been hyperfixated a lot on stop-motion animation since I was a tiny first instar larvalkit, frequently watching on loop a bootleg VHS tape containing the original first three Wallace and Gromit shorts, Creature Comforts and a couple of music videos Aardman were commissioned to animate. I also often found it variably and subtly unsettling, to the point I had nightmares about various claymation characters prodding me and or taunting me. I was scared of just about everything as a larvalkit!
- As above, one of the more unsettling nightmares (relative to my perception at the time) from that period was when a group of claymation-animated bananas kept bumping into me and making strange, low-pitched laughing noises that felt mocking. This all took place in front of a still image of a mountain peak.
- As said, as a larval bugfox I was scared of EVERYTHING, and I have specific recollection of being so terrified of this commercial for a brand of paint. I used to run out of the room screaming if it came on the television.
- I one day aspire to own an abandoned former Little Chef restaraunt site, and maybe live inside it and make funny stimming noises!!!! BUGFOX EARTH HIDEOUT!!!!!
- ...Failing the above, I'd love to make a replica room based on a Little Chef branch in Manchester, England in 1995, and then open it as a LARP experience. I'd then kidnap a bunch of middle-aged Tesco clerks and force them to LARP as a bevy of medieval serfs who decide to go to Little Chef for an Olympic Breakfast and avoid their lord who is angry about the fact they have relieved themselves from ploughing the fields to eat microwaved polysacchardies!!!!!!
- I once got to feed and hang out with some fennec foxes that lived at a zoo (it was a gift experience)! They were a paired dog and vixen. They were cuties even though quite shy around me, the strange presence joining the human zookeeper who supervised me feeding them. The dog did eventually warm up to me as I fed the foxes both live mealworms and crickets as instructed, and though the other fox, the vixen, was still quite shy around me, she did eat up a few crickets quite happily. It was lovely to meet some fellow fox friends in person!
- I've raised many pet bug friends since I was a teenage bugfox. At the moment I live alongside a Mexican Red Leg tarantula (Brachypelma emilia) named Sierra! They're my spider friend and I love them dearly.
- As above, I have also raised a number of broods of Triops (or tadpole shrimp) over time too, specifically the species Triops longicaudatus. I have also raised a number of Cetoniinid beetles (or flower chafer beetles), stick and leaf insects, cockroaches and terrestrial isopods too!
- I still think the Dead Bart creepypasta based on The Simpsons is rather spooky, even as a grown critter. Yes, I am a silly bugfox.
- My biggest comfort characters include: Eevee from Pokémon, in particular relation to PMD (obviously), Tentomon from Digimon (again, an obvious one!), Glep and Pim from Smiling Friends, Tom Nook from Animal Crossing, O-ha and Camio from Hunter's Moon, Grum from The Pillgrums, Sanpei from The Bug Boy, Shrek and Wallace and Gromit. Also a number of other Pokémon and Digimon species such as Vulpix, Zorua, Fennekin, Heracross, Ariados, Volcarona, Kyubimon, Etemon, Kuwagamon, Kabuterimon (plus their canon Ultimate and Mega forms, MegaKabuterimon and HerculesKabuterimon, respectively) and Puppetmon.
Other links...?
- Stamps????
- A page about my sona, Pepper!
- This isn't related, but if you at all want to see an image of the short-lived Li'l Bill mascot for UK supermarket chain Sainsbury's, well...