Bugfox Link Cache

Special interest links!
Disclaimer: None of the wikis listed below are hosted on Fandom, so no need to worry about having obnoxious pop-ups and noisy ads jumpscare you! We all hate Fandom in this house!!
Name | Description |
Asilidae | A website dedicated to flies of the family Asilidae, known by the name of Robber Flies for their predatory habits, typically involving capturing other flying insects in mid-flight. It contains a lot of information about the morphology, taxonomy, distribution and other aspects pertaining to the many genera within this family of Dipterans! |
Black Foxes UK | Great resource for information on the red fox Vulpes vulpes and aspects of their biology, with some particular emphasis on fur colour morphs of the species that occur naturally as mutations in wild populations or those that have been bred in captivity. |
Bogleech | The website of artist, TTRPG designer, biologist and writer Jonathan Wojcik. His site is full of many articles written about topics including entomology, parasitology, reviews of creature designs in popular media and a plethora of others. The website is also home to his monster-collecting TTRPG Mortasheen and webcomic Awful Hospital. I've been a fan of Bogleech for many years, and his site has often been a source of comfort for me. |
British Myriapod and Isopod Group | The website of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group, an organisation dedicated to spreading awareness about Isopod and Myriapod (the athropod subphylum containing both millipedes and centipedes) species found across Britain and their conservation. It contains a wealth of information on the biology and taxonomy of such species, as well as identification guides and information on their distribution across Britain. |
BumpWorthy | Containing many (and I do mean many) bumpers and station IDs for the Adult Swim programming block on Cartoon Network. Lots of intriguing and obscure pieces of Adult Swim history here. |
Computers in Crisis | An intriguing miniature virtual museum created by Perry Chen, this contains some discussion about the phenomenon (and the retrospectively often greatly misinformed and needlessly panicked perceptions in the media of the time) of the Millennium Bug Problem, or Y2K, in the latter years of the 1990s. Worth a look if you (like me) have a fascination with the Y2K Bug! |
Digi-Battle | A website dedicated to the original Digimon Trading Card Game, documenting all of the cards in each set and providing some high-quality scans of the cards themselves. Even though I never played the Digimon TCG myself, I find this site to be a great resource for viewing the often fantastic card artworks (with cards such as Downgrade and Even Steven being a couple of my personal favourites!). |
Egg Baby | A simple and incredibly charming in-browser game created by Splendidland (see artist links section below) in which the player cares for a small creature that initially hatches from an egg, with the form of said creature changing in accordance with how they are interacted with and treated by the player. Very much reminiscent of virtual pet toys like Tamagotchi and Digimon, this is one of my favourite games and is a wonderful love letter to virtual pet franchises as well as being so very endearing in its own right. |
Fennec and Arctic Foxes | An informative website written by Emily Smith, detailing and comparing the biology of fennec foxes (Vulpes zerda) and arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus). It is a very informative website and is very thorough on aspects such as the morphological adaptations that allow each of these two species of fox fit into the respective extreme environments they are each endemic to. |
Grindosaur | Video game guide wiki for many of the Digimon RPG video games, as well as a number of other titles; it's especially a great source for information on the original Digimon World, one of my dearest pieces of comfort media to this day. |
HARMONY ZONE | (CW: Potential eyestrain due to very bright and saturated colours on most pages) The website of Stephen Gillmurphy, better known as thecatamites. He is the creator of many wonderful surreal games, with the RPG Maker game Space Funeral (!) arguably being one his most well known (one of my favourite games!). |
Humulos | Home of the Digitama Hatchery, this is a great resource for information on the Digimon virtual pet toys, specifically concerning the evolution trajcetories for the variable species spanning the different versions and models, presented in a very cohesive (and in my own view, very pleasing too) series of phylogenetic-style trees for the Digimon in each version. |
Keeping Insects | A great website with a wealth of information related to the care and husbandry of various insects and other terrestrial arthropods in captivity, with a particular emphasis on information pertaining to keeping of a plethora of mantis and Phasmid species in captivity. |
Lost Media Wiki | (CW: Discussion of a fair amount of NSFW/NSFL subject matter; the Wiki does a good job of highlighting articles with potential triggers, however.) An incredibly expansive wiki site to document and discuss pretty much every type of media that is (or was previously) lost and no longer available. The entry on the (unproduced and unofficial) movie A Day with Spongebob Squarepants is a personal recommendation; it's quite a ride. |
MetalKid (Digimon World 2 guide) | A guide for Digimon World 2, containing info on the Digimon species found in the game, such as the locations they are found in as well as crucial information on their compatible evolution trajectories. I have only (writing as of May 2024) been able to find and play a copy of Digimon World 2 until fairly recently (as the game was never released in Europe for seemingly unclear reasons), and this guide has been a major help in guiding me through the game. |
Monster Brains | (CW: Quite a number of images depicting nudity, variable amounts of gore, body horror and depictions of injury or death) Blog collating all kinds of wonderful horror, surreal and folk-art depicting monstrous subjects, ranging from obscure tapestries depicting demonic beasts from medieval Europe to depictions of yokai and other ethereal beings in Japanese folklore. I always return to it at least once a year to binge its vast archive! |
Monster Pulse by Magnolia Porter | (CW: depictions of mild body horror) An absolutely fantastic (complete!) comic by Magnolia Porter, Monster Pulse tells a coming-of-age story about a group of young friends with body parts that have turned into powerful monster companions, and the mysterious SHELL organisation linked to the creation of said monsters. I wanted to link this here as not only is it a wonderful love letter to pet-monster media such as Digimon that resonates with me a lot, but it's also an astonishingly well-written story with a degree of emotional maturity and sincerity that I have seldom seen elsewhere. Monster Pulse is one of my favourite pieces of fiction of all time, and was even one of the main inspiriations that led to me making my own webcomics! |
Museum of Obsolete Media | A virtual museum curated by Jason Curtis, containing a wealth of images and information about old and often delightfully odd video, audio and data storage media from days gone by. Very cool if you're like me and hyperfixate on old media storage formats (and lament the fact that as a small larvalkit your parents wouldn't buy you the GBA Video cartridges of Pokémon or Shrek)! |
Open Tree of Life | An online collaborative project documenting the phylogenetic tree of life for described living organisms. As someone who adores evolutionary biology and natural history immensely, browsing this and looking at the branching nodes and phylogenetic clades makes me a happy stimming bugfox!! |
Orb.farm | A fun little online simulation toy or game, in which you can create an adorable virtual closed ecosystem in a glass orb! You can play around with adding fauna, flora, microbes and even substrates and other organic matter and minerals to nourish the range of different organisms available. It's absolutely worth your time if you love biology (and like me, have a big fasciantion with manufactured closed ecosystems such as jarrariums). I am genuinely so impressed and enchanted by the level of detail and depth this cute little game entails! |
Orthoptera Species File | A large taxonomic database of for insects in the order Orthoptera, containing data on described species both extant and extinct. |
RayWiki | An expansive wiki site concerning the Rayman video game franchise, with many articles pertaining to just about every aspect of the franchise concerning the limbless, vaguely-humanoid protagonist with a fleshy proboscis. I played many of his games as a larval bugfox (and even as an adult bugfox I am terrible at video games and have yet to complete the absurdly difficult first game on the PlayStation... the OST for that game is one of my all-time favourites from any piece of media, though)! |
Read NekoJiru | (CW: Discussion and or depictions of suicide, violence, abuse, gore and drug and alcohol use) A website containing an ongoing English fan translation project of the comics by the mangaka Chiyomi Hashiguchi, better known by her pen name, Nekojiru. Very few official English translations of any material from Nekojiru Udon were ever produced (one of the very few available being in the alternative manga anthology Comics Underground Japan, published in 1996), so this is a great place to find some English-translated versions of the comics. |
Roeselien Raimond Photography | Some genuinely lovely photography by Roeselien Raimond, of particular interest to myself as red foxes are a very common subject in her work. There are some genuinely wonderful photos of red foxes that present them with the integrity they are very much deserving of (and bring me much euphoria to look at!). There are also galleries of other wild subjects, such as macrophotography of insects and arachnids, which I also thoroughly enjoy and recommend viewing! |
Solifugae | A website dedicated to educating about the biology and taxonomy of arachnids forming the order Solifugae, often known by common names such as camel spiders or wind scorpions (though these fascinating arachnids are in fact neither spiders or scorpions!). Given how sadly misunderstood and at times outright demonised Solifugids are, this website has a lot of great information and citations about these lovely arachnids. |
Songs of Insects | A lovely website dedicated to the many insect musicians of our world, and their delightful stridulated songs. This website contains a wealth of information and media related to the songs and sounds made by Orthopteran species (in addition to the songs made by cicadas, too!), including information on identifying species by their songs, the physiological adaptations that allow certain insects to stridulate and many audio recordings of different stridulations. As a bugfox who loves the sounds of insects stridulating, this makes me very happy! |
The Bunnyrom Site | A grand little site dedicated to detailing the gameplay of the widespread "Bunnyrom" software (known officially as Jia Yuan) found in many cheap virtual pet units, as well as documenting the various shells and formats of said virtual pet toys. |
The Comic Adventures of Left and Right by Brian Lee | An old webcomic by Brian Lee, about a pair of broadly mammalian critters, eponymously named Left and Right, often joined by a cast of others such as the perennially malcontent Owldog. I'm linking this here as it was one of the very first webcomics I ever read, and I think it had an irreversible influence on my sense of humour. A personal highlight is the strip titled Burgerking.
See also, another excellent comic by Brian Lee: Buntain Simpson |
The Cutting Room Floor | A wiki dedicated to documenting unused content hidden within the files of video games. Unused and cut content from video games has been a special interest of mine since I was larval bugfox, so it's very worth a look if you are intrigued by this sort of thing too! A couple of personal recommendations are their articles on Digimon World and Spyro: Year of the Dragon. |
The Deep Sea | A wonderful interactive site made by Neal Agarwhal, it delightfully demonstrates the sheer vastness and depth of the ocean, from the surface of the Epipelagic Zone, all the way down to the mysterious inky depths of the Bathypelagic Zone and beyond. It is also a lovely illustration of the biodiversity of animal life in the ocean. As a bugfox with a lifelong special interest in marine biology (and indeed the deep sea), this makes me very happy! |
Toy Animal Wiki | A lovely little wiki site with many images of toys such as small figurines modeled from just about every phylum, class, order and even basal taxon you can think of from the kingdom Animalia (not to mention even some inclusion of toys based on Bacteria and Fungi)! |
Trilobites.info | A site with an immense expanse of information on the fascinating and endearing ancient trilobites! |
UK Beetles | A website containing a vast wealth of information about beetle species endemic to Britain, with lists of documented beetles down to the species level, as well as broader lists of families and subfamilies in the order Coleoptera found across the mainland. A great source for images, articles and information on identifying anything remotely resembling an arthropod with elytra, this website makes me a very happy bugfox! |
Unseen64 | A website dedicated to documenting cut content from beta builds of video games, as well as games that were cancelled in development or never released to the public. |
Wikifang | A very extensive wiki site documenting Keitai Denjū Telefang and other related pet-monster games and media released in Japan in the early 2000s (such as Network Adventure Bugsite), run by a very dedicated group of fans. An absolute treasure trove if you're a critter like me who has had a lifelong fascination with other critters and games about them! |
Wikimon | A wiki for Digimon that's been run by members of the fandom for around 20 years as of writing! It covers a wide range of topics related to various Digimon media, from the original virtual pet toys from the 90s to the video games and animated adaptations! It's very fun to just browse and look at entries on individual species of Digimon. |
Wygol Village | A wonderful website containing much wonderful art, essays and shrines by a werewolf named Shinoa. I am linking this page here specifically as it has an excellent shrine, titled The Wolf Den, about being wolfkin, which I found to be incredibly meaningful and moving to read in a way that speaks to me deeply (as someone who is a foxkin). |
Yokai.com | A vast illustrated database comprised of entries about yokai, a myriad of fascinating and peculiar monsters, spirits and ghosts described in Japanese folklore. Yokai are a special interest I have had since I was a teenage bugfox! |
My critter pals!! <3
Name | Description |
Lutzbug | A lover of ornithology, pitbulls, weird comedy-horror movies and old colourful platformer video games, Lutzbug makes a lot of very distinctive visual art that is very much a unique and immersively joyful experience; it has a biting psychedelic edge that makes it feel like stills from an obscure long-lost 90s cartoon. They have a comic, too, titled Krazy Noodle Massacre, a comic about a pair of nerdy gay husbands who become fascinated by a long-suffering individual they become aware of, whom of which lives very reclusively and makes sculptures out of supermarket-brand noodles (linked on their site!). |
Pearlnight | (Some NSFW content linked) Pearl is an astonishingly wonderful artist, writer, lover of lions, history, classic and vintage horror and may or may not secretly be a vampire. With an excellent eye for not just monochrome art but a range of other stuff too, they draw and write a fantastic comic titled Dancing with the Dead, a loveletter to vampire fiction about a secret society of undead entities, set in the far north of England in the 1970s (linked on their site!). |
RockCandy | (Some NSFW content) A very talented hellhound (with an optional Pikachu plush!) and fellow enjoyer of critters who draws a lot of really striking and stylised art with homages to a lot of visual media from the 2000s, with a distinct grittiness and thorough charm to it. This is also reflected in his comic Pink Panties, a comic about anthro animal people in the (appropriately) dystopian hell that is highschool (linked on his site!). |
A selection of amazing art beings!!
Name | Description |
Alan Resnick | A splendid human of many talents, with his work spanning film-making as well as visual art and comics. The creator of the ARG story AlanTutorial, which to this day I feel is a genuinely astonishing, unsettling and powerful story. He also directed and starred in the short film Live Forever as You Are Now with Alan Resnick for Adult Swim! |
Ascalaphid | A plethora of bugs (including some anthropmorphic bugs, ones that are done exceptionally well I hasten to add!!) and monsters etched masterfully with ink and washes. I've followed Ascalaphid for a while, they're a really cool person and I adore their art. |
Ball and Cone | The Tumblr account of Ken Johnson, an artist who draws and paints many charmingly surreal pieces and comics about an anthropmorphic ball and cone duo who wander around many realms, perennially outsiders looking into situations and places they seemingly are alien to. Lovely art that I can't get enough of!! |
Bensect | A site with some lovely artwork of bugs, including depictions of anthro insects, wonderfully rendered with some great colour palettes! Also has a page with plenty of links to papers and articles about various endearingly odd and fascinating organisms. |
Brandon Geurts | (CW: Depictions of body horror, injury/gore, death and nudity) Lots of psychedelic and brutal depictions of body horror and decay. If you enjoy very raw depictions of rot and physically-distorted beings, this artist's work may well resonate with you. His watercolour work is masterful! |
EndlessCrust | Many wonderfully vibrant and heavily textured pieces. Lots of cool critters, psychedelic shapes and matter in various states! Also links some other similarly great artists! |
Everett Peck | Gallery showcasing the paintings, illustrations, sketchbook samples and animation work by the late (and very much great) Everett Peck, of Duckman fame! |
GOOPBUG | (CW: Occasional mild depictions of gore) Lots of really lovely stylised art of bugs and other critters by Lucas Aguiar. His art is very pleasing, with neon palettes and a playful use of lineweights! |
Joe MacGown | Professional entomologist and scientific illustrator, who as well as producing some beautiful and fascinating scientific drawings of insects (with a lot of emphasis on beetles!!), Joe also produces some really grand and masterfully etched art of more psychedelic critters too. |
Joe Whitt | Wonderful brush and ink art and comics by cartoonist Joe Whitt. I highly recommend his Biz Bun comics as showcased on his site. It's a lovely series of self-contained short comics about a group of anthro critter people seemingly living together in a house, with healthy alternating dollops of absurdist humour and (often also rather absurdism-tinged) wholesomeness. |
Jim Woodring | The legend himself. |
Korsse | (CW: Body horror, gore) Some lovely and wide-ranging art, both traditional and digital, with lots of very cute anthro critters! (Do heed the above content warning if you are sensitive to or potentially triggered by depictions of gore or bodily harm/injury, though.) |
Lucie Ebrey | Lots of pleasing art and comics of critters by cartoonist Lucie Ebrey! Her work has a very cosy and warm feel to it, and her autobiographical diary webcomic Muggy Ebes is a very fun and often poignant read. |
Makoto Chi | (CW: Frequent depictions of nudity) Many endearingly psychedelic and paintings and drawings of ethereal creatures and beings transcending a humanoid form by illustrator, painter and tattoo artist Makoto Chi. I have enjoyed his work for a number of years. |
Petday | Lovable and very quaint art, often depicting a lot of characters/species from pet monster media such as Pokemon, Digimon and Tamagotchi, as well as other critter-focused 90s/00s video games (the best kind, I hasten to add!). |
Roseberry Comix | Amazing comics and art, depicting a variety of subjects. Lots of prehistoric fauna, animism, also foxes! In particular I highly recommend their zine comic Broomistega and Thrinaxodon, a harrowingly beautiful short comic that can very easily bring me to tears when I reflect upon it. |
Sarah Schmidt | (CW: Gore, depictions of alcohol/drug use)Illustrator and animator of many thoughtful and/or sad critters, Sarah Schmidt has produced some wonderful animation work. This includes a music video for the emo band La Dispute, as well as animation for Adult Swim, including a short film titled Gassy's Gas & Stuff in 2023. |
Splendidland | The website containing the work of artist, game designer and lover of bugs Samanthuel Louise Gillson! Her monster designs are some of the best I have ever seen as a lover of critters (something I do not at all say lightly), and her work has such a lovable and vibrant sense of intrigue and charm to it. She's also the creator of the indie RPGs Franken, Megaman Sprite Game and a currently in-development game titled Amazing Treasure Valley! |
Sunflower Cat | Haunting and at times imbued with traces of underlying unease, this monochrome art with extremely elaborate and immersive rendering is a sight to behold. |
The Perry Bible Fellowship by Nicholas Gurewitch | (CW: Gore, depictions of alcohol consumption, drug use, sexual content, animal death and generally having some extremely dark humour in places) A beloved comedy webcomic that has been running in some capacity since 2002, by artist Nicholas Gurewitch. The strips are astonishingly well-put together and timed comedically, infamously often completely shifting art styles between one strip and the next. Heed the warning, though, it does get dark in places. A personal highlight is the strip titled Scorpy the Forest Friend. |
Tony Millionaire | (CW: Very frequent depictions of NSFW subject matter, as well as alcohol consumption, gore and some very dark humour) A cartoonist, a master of the fountain pen, depicting sea monsters, vulgar animals and maritime misadventures. Author of Maakies and Sock Monkey! |
50 Watts | Not a specific artist, 50 Watts is an art blog and small publisher showcasing and detailing the works of various obscure, delightfully weird and often vintage book and editorial illustrators and artists. It has a sizeable archive and there's plenty of great critter art to see here (including a fair amount of art depicting yokai and other peculiar beings!). |
Special interest/quaint/the funneh(tm) Wikipedia articles????? HMMMMMMM??????
Some curated Wikipedia articles, many of which about subjects related to my special interests (with many being on the more unusual side), as well as just general items I find intriguing in their own right (or indeed just funny).
Credit to the Neocities website Korsse for this idea.
- Alienopteridae
- Batesian mimicry
- Canine distemper (TW: disease and animal death mentions)
- Carcinisation
- Colorado potato beetle
- Cryptid whale
- Databending
- Dmitry Belyayev
-See also:Lyudmila Trut - Family Guy Online
- Foxfire
- Gyandromorphism
- GarfieldEats
- Hydrozoa
- Inverebrate iridescendent virus 31 (TW:disease/illness mention)
- Japanese rhinoceros beetle
- Kitsune
-See also: Bake-danuki (TW: genitals mention-if you have any familiarity with the Yōkai analog to Tanukis, you'll know...) - List of inventors killed by their own invention
- List of cetaceans
- List of micronations
- Little Chef
- Lostwave
- Melanophila
- Myxozoa
- Numbers station
- Pikachurin
-See also:Zbtb7 - Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa
- Religion in Antarctica
- Scots Wikipedia
-See also:Click here for the Scots Wikipedia entry on Wallace and Gromit. Please read it. I promise it's worth your time. - Shrek fandom
- Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
- Sir Billi
- Stromatolite
- Video Brinquedo
- Zombie Taxon
Resources and all those cool things!!!
Here you will find resources covering a variable range of topics, namely biology and naturalism (including arthropod ID tools), art tools, website coding, mental health resources and some other miscellaneous items I have found helpful in some manner.
Name | Description |
Autistic as Fxxk | Run by an autistic individual named Rachel, this as an excellent resource about surviving as an autistic person in a neurotypical world. The Autistic as Fxxk manifesto is especially something I highly recommend reading; as an autistic being who has bore the brunt of ableism for many years (which we as autistic and neurodivergent people are sadly subjected to), I find it to be so very positively affirming. |
AVEN | AVEN, or The Asexual Visibility & Education Network, is an online community and large archive of resources and information on asexuality (I am indeed asexual myself). |
Biodiversity Heritage Library | A library containing a plethora of scientific literature pertaining to biodiversity, all free to access! |
Bitsy | A very fun little tool for making very simple in-browser adventure games and interactive vignettes with a pixel art visual style (not dissimilar to old Atari or NES games!) |
BugGuide | A site dedicated to providing guides on the identification of pretty much any animal resembling an arthropod in North America. |
Dither Me This | A great and versatile online tool for adding dither filters to images! |
DitherPaint | A simple browser-based drawing tool, somewhat akin to the old-school MacPaint program. It contains a variety of different tiled textures you can draw with. |
Eclectic Library | A virtual library, containing a vast directory of links to books spanning a number of topics and genres, historical writings and archived print media such as newspapers and magazines. It also contains a directory of virtual libraries! |
Ezgif | A very easy to use and versatile tool for making and editing animated GIFs. With this website you can also crop, resize and add filters to GIFs, in addition to a myriad of other helpful adjustments and tools. |
Indieseek.xyz | A large directory of many indie and niche websites! |
Internet Archive | A vast digital library of all kinds of media, ranging from books, software, movies, games, music and a plethora of other types. It is also home of the WayBack Machine, a search engine that allows one to find and view old archived copies of webpages! The Internet Archive is a truly invaluable resource for media preservation, something I've become increasingly passionate about over the years. |
Kalechips | An excellent website with much to see, with their free HTML and CSS resources (including the 3-column layout template this very website uses!) being an especially great resource for website building. |
Khan Academy | A great site with a lot of (free!) online educational resources for many topics, like biology, chemistry, math and more. It can be great if you want a more simplified, bite-size definition or exploration of certain concepts you're unsure about; I myself found it helpful back when I studied cell biology! |
Links That Burn | A promising-looking and currently developing directory of links to niche websites over a range of categories, with the goal of circumventing the insidious influence of AI ruining search engines and the internet in general (something I cannot state the importance of at this time enough). |
JS Paint | It's the Windows XP version of Microsoft Paint! In your browser!! Now you too can relive drawing Digimon fanart and your edgy OCs like it's late 2008!!! |
Mazeguy | A fantastic repository of cute pixel emoticons, some of which I have used on this very site! There's a great selection of emoticons here which are very much worth a look. |
Old'a Vista | A directory specialising in cataloguing many websites from the old internet. |
Online Microsoft Sam Text-to-Speech Generator | An online tool that allows you to generate audio files read in a text-to-speech voice, with a varied range from Microsoft Sam to BonziBUDDY (minus the spyware and the ominously disingenuous CG-animated purple gorilla, thankfully)! |
Oxford University Museum of Natural History-Insect ID Tools | A directory of various online resources for identifying insects found across Britain, spanning a plethora of orders, suborders and families. |
Photopea | A free to use browser-based image editor tool that is more or less a carbon copy of Adobe Photoshop (we all hate Adobe and their shitty unethical practices here!). |
Project Gutenberg | A library of over 70,000 eBooks, all free to download, scanned and uploaded by many volunteers. |
Rarebit | An excellent free tool that provides a HTML-based (in addition to some JavaScript too) framework for creating your own self-hosted webcomic site. This is the very framework my webcomic God Animal uses! |
Sadgrl | Excellent resource for guides, tutorials, free assets for website building and other general tools and devices for browsing online. |
Scream into the Void | If something is on your mind and you can't talk to anybody at that moment, this website allows to type whatever you feel and (quite literally) hurl it into the void. |
Unconsenting Media | A very useful database that documents specific instances of sexual assault in media ranging from TV shows, movies, literature, video games and others. It briefly details the manner and extent to which it is depicted, so that you can make an informed decision about possible triggers when considering whether to consume a particular piece of media. |
VHSearch | An excellent tool for searching websites across Neocities! |
Wigglypaint | A fun and simple little drawing tool that can be used to create animated GIF-format digital art with wobbling lines and strokes (much akin to the Squigglevision animation technique used in cartoons such as Home Movies). |
W3Schools | One of the (in my opinion) best places for learning the basics of coding websites with HTML and CSS style sheets. It has many step-by-step guides on the basics of coding your own website, very highly recommended if you want to make a site or just brush up your HTML coding skills. |
Xhalr | A guided breathing exercise, a tool you could use if you are anxious or panicked and need to focus on grounding. |
You Feel like Shit | An informal interactive website that is designed to help users practice self-care when they are feeling mentally unwell. |
Browser Toys and Fun!!!
Here, you will find a great collection of browser-based toys you can play around with, for grounding, stimming or just a bit of fun! I have also included some other miscellaneous browser-based fun here, too.
Name | |
Days Since Incident | A website that maintains a number of regularly-updating counters, keeping record of the amount of days that have passed since certain incidents that have the potential to present a threat to life have occurred, such as earthquakes, geomagnetic storms and asteriod impacts. |
fungal.page | The Wikipedia entry on hyphae, the branching structures that form a component of the mycelia of fungi...with branching hyphae absorbing the nutrients of the page and expanding, akin to real fungal hyphae! |
Goldfishies | An adorable little browser toy, in which you can add goldfish to swim around your screen. You can even feed them pellets using your cursor button! |
Marimo | A fun little physics engine, in which you can roll and throw around a Marimo moss ball across a plane. You can even configure the size of the Marimo ball and other parameters! |
Medusae | A physics engine simulating the movements and morphology of a jellyfish-like Cnidarian animal. |
Rotating Sandwiches | Have you ever wanted to look at a sandwich (or a range of sandwiches) rotating a full 360 degrees for your delectation? Well, is there a website for you...! |
YouTube Channels of Interest!!
Name | Description |
Aimkid | An animator of many extremely stylish critters, Aimkid has animated many music videos for music by bands such as Lemon Demon and 100 gecs. I highly recommend her music video for the 100 gecs song Stupid Horse! |
Ashens | A man from England, who may or may not be wearing a suit of some variety, reviews various pieces of odd and often mediocre plastic tat, knock-off video game consoles, obscenely out-of-date food, bootleg toys and microwavable polysaccharides that may resemble burgers. All done in front of an old brown sofa that has had to put up with this since 2006. I've been a fan for many years! |
Atomic Shrimp | A channel containing a number of videos around a variable range of subjects, such as foraging, naturalism and biology, cooking, scam-baiting (as well as scam awareness) and reviews of strange canned foods. |
AVNJ-Fish Biologist | A YouTube channel run by an ichthyologist, with many informative videos about the biology and ecology of fishes. They also have a playlist of introductory lectures on ichthyology, too! |
BeetleCast | A YouTube channel ran by a very knowledgable beetle keeper living in Japan, containing a lot of informative videos about wild and captive-bred beetles and with particular emphasis on the families Scarabaeidae (especially the subfamily Dynastinae) and Lucanidae. |
Bugs and Biology | A very informative channel dedicated to discussion of arthropods endemic to Australia, with particular emphasis on spiders and Scolopendromorph centipedes. |
Caddicarus | (CW: Occasional loud and abrupt volume increases, albeit intended for humour) A brilliant channel mainly concerning video games, especially those for the PlayStation consoles. I've been a fan of Caddicarus for years and I absolutely love the often erratic and hilarious presentation of the topics he explores (shoutout to his old friends Spons and Long Dennis!). |
Camiidae | Lots of lovely atmospheric and very cute music and videos about various bugs, both extant or otherwise. Their work gives me some pleasant species euphoria. :3 |
DankPods | A channel in which an Australian man discusses many odd and often very intriguing old pieces of 2000s consumer tech, especially if said tech could play MP3s in any capacity. He also documents his (many) visits to CASHIES!
See also: Dankmus, his music channel containing excellent songs remixing samples from episodes of The Simpsons! |
DeadlyComics | The channel of animator Adam Bohorquez, the work of which focuses on various critter characters and has an incredibly resonant, thought-provoking and cosy feel to it all. |
Geta92 | Containing many videos about the original Digimon World video game, this channel contains a number of videos demonstrating different glitches and exploits that are possible in the game. |
Inside A Mind | (CW: Contains some discussion of potentially triggering darker subject matter, so do proceed with caution if you are sensitive to certain potentially triggering subjects such as discussion of death.) A channel dedicated to discussion and analysis of select pieces of unfiction or ARG-related media and horror fiction, such as Catastrophe Crow and Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. |
Izzzyzzz | Lots of interesting and fun videos about internet subcultures, weird online media and events and video games such as the Pokémon series. They also have produced a number of videos about iceberg charts! |
JuiceOne | A channel containing a plethora of amazing and hilarious shitpost edits of The Simpsons. Sugar, doo doo doo doo doo doo...oh honey, honey... |
Night Mind | (CW: Contains discussion of potentially triggering darker subject matter, so do proceed with caution if you are sensitive to certain potentially triggering subjects such as discussion of death.) Another channel dedicated to very in-depth analysis of unfiction or ARG-related media, with a lot of emphasis on indie horror projects especially, all with an endearingly immersive atmosphere as well. They have some excellent analytical videos about indie unfiction-horror such as Petscop and AlanTutorial, which I highly recommend if you have any interest in either of the aforementioned projects! |
3D gif dubstep | It's videos involving the use of old-school 3D animated gifs. With dubstep music accompanying them. It's very much what the title suggests and it's splendid! | >