
Here lies the Forest...

You find yourself stood in the deep forest; large, lumbering beetles stomp about the leaf litter as a small tanuki nuzzles a broken VHS tape.

Welcome to my forested landscape in the digital world. I am a silver morph red fox with a collective of various arthropods residing in my rather fluffy coat. I coexist in this little forest with various critters and other beings that live, or at the very least seem to be here often. Why not stay for a bit? There's some wild berry bushes over there, so help yourself and when you're ready, why not explore for a while?

Featured Art - October 2024

Cat, Dog and Primitive Horse discover a being that has an omnipresent vision but with a limited capacity to process the unfathomable burden she is haunted by. To see her in the daylight at all is a rarity. (I have yet to name her, but the roach deity here is an old OC I drew almost a decade ago and decided to revive! :3)

Bug of the month - October 2024

Trichonephila clavata, the Joro spider!

(Arachnida, Araneae, Nephilidae, Trichonephila).

Image credit to Christina Butler (Flickr), 2020..

Changelog Cache


It's been a while since I updated this changelog, hi! As I am sure you have inferred if you are already on this page, the index/home page of the Forest has had a layout change, which I feel works a lot better than the previous. I am being helped again by my good friend Pearl in revamping the layouts, so expect to see some changes around the site in the coming days and weeks, all being well.

As always, do be kind to any bugs you see and have a great day; thanks for visiting this Digital Forest. :3

Yip! -SC


I have added some new art and made some minor changes, additions and adjustments around the in-progress shrines (the Digimon and fox plush shrine pages), the God Animal comic section and a few other bits here and there. I'm planning to set up a page to use as a blog, as I realise I more or less already write blog entries on this Changelog (which are of course typically for much more concise summaries of changes to websites), in addition to finally starting to draw more of God Animal Episode 2; though I'm still recovering from some longer term health bits, I'm starting to get back into the routine of drawing more, which I will admit feels encouraging.

As always, thanks for visiting this Digital Forest, and do be kind to any bugs you see.

Yip! -SC


Made some tweaks and small additions around the site, namely adding a new piece to the Gallery and namely correcting some typos or tightening up wording to be more concise or tidier. I am currently contemplating setting up a little mini blog (or blog-like, broadly speaking) page on this site for site and project updates and details in more depth. Not sure yet!

I hope to finally have the Digimon shrine in some semblance of order soon, including in producing the art I have planned for it. It's been hectic of late due to life, health and work bits, but it's on its way. Otherwise, expect to see some little cleanups and additions for the most part at this time.

Thanks for visiting the Digital Forest as always. Be kind, as always to any bugs you see.

Yip! -SC


I still have a number of further updates I hope to make to the site, in addition to continuing Episode 2 of God Animal. A lot has happened on my end of late that I won't go into here, updates are just likely to be slower for a bit. I do at least feel the site is presentable for the most part, which even if not complete (more evident on some pages than others, albeit) it's something that I am pleased with.

The Bug of the Month and Critter Art of the Month index page widgets have both been updated, as I assume is evident already. Other minor bits, including some typos I've been meaning to correct on the Links page, will be next all being well.

Thanks for visiting the Forest. Do, as always, be kind to any bugs you see.

Yip! -SC


Various small updates over the course of the past week or so have been made where I've had the time to do so, largely in some practical functionality bits, and some small additions made to the About Pepper and Links pages.

The Forest is very much where I want it to be, so special thanks again to my good friend Pearl for offering their knowledge and assistance in relation to webdesign and coding. Expect to see some more secondary pages and other bits crop up in the coming weeks!

Yip! -SC


I recently added some new art to the gallery, including a piece I just finished today, in addition to some more sketchbook samples. I'm also working on writing the material for the first of my shrines, the Digimon shrine! Other than the aforementioned, I'm still tightening and refining things on here (with my good friend Pearl being an excellent help in the past couple of weeks with sorting site bits) but the Forest is approaching the location I want it to go (and even believe it could be) at this time. I have also created a separate page for an archive for changelog updates (linked at the bottom of this scrollbox), so I don't have an endless, untidy stream of text in this box.

Also, an announcement in relation to the God Animal comic: I am hoping to finally start production on Episode 2, The Beetle Warrior's Broken Sword, this weekend! I also at the very least hope to have the (much belated) pair of interlude or bonus pages that will bridge between Episode 1 and Episode 2.

Thanks for visiting the forest as always, and do be kind to any bugs you see about (especially as it's spring in the northern hemisphere, and many insects are emerging from diapause)!

Yip! -SC


I (with the assistance of my good friend Pearl) have begun the process of updating the layouts for each page of the site! It'll likely be over the next few days that they are all updated, due to commitments and spoons, etc, but hopefully from here the site will begin to me much more accessible (and functional, I hasten to add!).

The layout we have been using for this purpose is the 3-Column Layout provided on Kalechips (excellent site that's worth exploring, by the way!), so credit to Kale for this excellent tool.

I'll update the changelog in the coming days as necessary, but expect to see some reformatted pages in the next week or two as discussed. Have a great Sunday, all, and thanks as always for stopping by this Digital Forest. <3

Yip! -SC


Tidied up some descriptions on my links page to make them a little more concise (and indeed let websites linked speak for themselves!); further additions have been made to the lists of artists of interest, selected Wikipedia articles and the resources section.

I have also finally started building the Digimon shrine! It's in very early stages but I'm excited to show it and ramble to you all about why Sukamon is one of my favourite monster designs as I excitedly wag my bugfox tail and knock over every object with it in the immediate vicinity!! Updates may still be very inconsistent for a period as I've had a lot on and various illness-related complications to deal with, but we'll get there.

Be kind to any bugs you see as always, and happy Leap Day to you all!! :3

Yip! -SC

Click here to view the Changelog archive.